IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 5.5 Current Top 250 250

Modern Times (1936)  

Year: 1936



Duration: 87 min.

US box-office: $10.0m

Directed by: Charles Chaplin5/6

Cast: Charles Chaplin6/7, Paulette Goddard2/2, Henry Bergman4/5, Tiny Sandford3/4, Chester Conklin3/4, Hank Mann5/8, Stanley Blystone1/4, Al Ernest Garcia3/4, Richard Alexander2/4, Cecil Reynolds1/2, Mira McKinney, Murdock MacQuarrie, Wilfred Lucas2/2, Edward LeSaint1/2, Fred Malatesta1/3

36 8.5
Rank: 49 52     Rating: 8.5 8.4
134 7.5

Count of charts: 7120

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Apr 26, 1996

Last chart: Jan 20, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Aug 16, 2019

Count of charts in highest position: 17

Biggest up: 65

Biggest down: -15

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 119 * 7.5 238
1996-11-19 123 ↓4 7.9 403
1996-12-19 119 ↑4 7.9 427
1997-01-22 119 - 7.9 451
1997-04-02 134 ↓15 8.0 490
1997-09-12 69 ↑65 8.4 494
1997-10-03 67 ↑2 8.3 521
1997-11-07 67 - 8.3 559
1997-12-07 64 ↑3 8.3 597
1998-01-05 65 ↓1 8.3 629
1998-02-01 68 ↓3 8.2 678
1998-03-01 73 ↓5 8.1 734
1998-04-07 68 ↑5 7.7 776
1998-05-03 67 ↑1 8.1 833
1998-08-20 62 ↑5 7.6 878
1998-10-05 66 ↓4 7.6 977
1998-12-30 68 ↓2 7.7 1102
1999-03-01 69 ↓1 7.8 1226
1999-04-12 75 ↓6 0.0
1999-08-01 78 ↓3 8.0 1443
1999-09-09 73 ↑5 7.9 1819
1999-10-10 69 ↑4 8.0 1892
1999-11-16 70 ↓1 8.0 2029
1999-12-30 65 ↑5 8.1 2185
2000-04-23 76 ↓11 8.0 2548
2000-05-25 79 ↓3 8.0 2609
2000-06-30 78 ↑1 8.0 2698
2000-08-01 76 ↑2 8.0 2778
2000-09-01 76 - 8.0 2867
2000-10-02 75 ↑1 8.1 2947
2000-10-18 73 ↑2 8.1 2981
2000-10-19 75 ↓2 8.1 2986
2000-11-02 73 ↑2 8.1 3016
2000-11-10 71 ↑2 8.1 3037
2000-11-21 73 ↓2 8.1 3061
2000-12-01 72 ↑1 8.1 3091
2000-12-03 75 ↓3 8.1 3095
2000-12-04 75 - 8.1 3100
2000-12-05 74 ↑1 8.1 3106
2000-12-12 71 ↑3 8.1 3126
2001-01-02 71 - 8.1 3186
2001-01-09 74 ↓3 8.1 3206
2001-01-21 76 ↓2 8.1 3248
2001-01-27 75 ↑1 8.1 3266
2001-02-01 76 ↓1 8.1 3283
2001-02-02 76 - 8.1 3283
2001-02-03 76 - 8.1 3285
2001-02-10 76 - 8.1 3306
2001-02-14 76 - 8.1 3314
2001-03-01 76 - 8.1 3372
full table