IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 7.8 Top 250 250

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  

Year: 1951


Duration: 122 min.

US box-office: $13.7m

Directed by: Elia Kazan1/2

Cast: Vivien Leigh1/2, Marlon Brando3/6, Kim Hunter0/2, Karl Malden1/3, Rudy Bond3/5, Nick Dennis0/2, Peg Hillias, Wright King0/2, Richard Garrick, Ann Dere, Edna Thomas, Mickey Kuhn1/3, Mel Archer, Walter Bacon3/6, Dahn Ben Amotz

114 8.0
Rank: 209     Rating: 8.0
250 7.5

Count of charts: 3098

First chart: Dec 30, 1998

Latest date of entering: Feb 14, 2016

Last chart: Feb 14, 2016

Earliest date of highest position: Apr 12, 1999

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 17

Biggest down: -21

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1998-12-30 146 * 7.5
1999-03-01 131 ↑15 7.6 600
1999-04-12 114 ↑17 0.0
1999-08-01 121 ↓7 7.9 920
1999-09-09 139 ↓18 7.7 1226
1999-10-10 135 ↑4 7.7 1313
1999-11-16 125 ↑10 7.8 1481
1999-12-30 128 ↓3 7.9 1694
2000-04-23 135 ↓7 7.7 2109
2000-05-25 132 ↑3 7.8 2190
2000-06-30 133 ↓1 7.8 2278
2000-08-01 127 ↑6 7.8 2368
2000-09-01 133 ↓6 7.8 2453
2000-10-02 134 ↓1 7.8 2541
2000-10-18 133 ↑1 7.8 2577
2000-10-19 132 ↑1 7.8 2590
2000-11-02 134 ↓2 7.8 2631
2000-11-10 132 ↑2 7.8 2658
2000-11-21 133 ↓1 7.8 2682
2000-12-01 133 - 7.8 2708
2000-12-03 133 - 7.8 2714
2000-12-04 133 - 7.8 2717
2000-12-05 133 - 7.8 2723
2000-12-12 132 ↑1 7.8 2765
2001-01-02 133 ↓1 7.8 2836
2001-01-09 132 ↑1 7.8 2861
2001-01-21 135 ↓3 7.8 2902
2001-01-27 136 ↓1 7.8 2916
2001-02-01 136 - 7.8 2938
2001-02-02 136 - 7.8 2941
2001-02-03 136 - 7.8 2943
2001-02-10 133 ↑3 7.9 2971
2001-02-14 135 ↓2 7.9 2984
2001-03-01 136 ↓1 7.9 3030
2001-03-22 136 - 7.9 3070
2001-04-01 137 ↓1 7.9 3091
2001-04-04 138 ↓1 7.9 3103
2001-04-08 138 - 7.9 3117
2001-04-11 137 ↑1 7.9 3124
2001-04-13 137 - 7.9 3137
2001-05-01 138 ↓1 7.9 3188
2001-05-08 135 ↑3 7.9 3208
2001-05-29 137 ↓2 7.9 3269
2001-05-30 137 - 7.9 3272
2001-06-01 137 - 7.9 3277
2001-06-02 138 ↓1 7.9 3278
2001-06-03 139 ↓1 7.9 3280
2001-06-04 138 ↑1 7.9 3282
2001-06-07 147 ↓9 7.7 3289
2001-06-10 148 ↓1 7.7 3299
full table