IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 1.9 Top 250 250

Awakenings (1990) 

Year: 1990


Duration: 121 min.

US box-office: $52.1m

Directed by: Penny Marshall

Cast: Robert De Niro9/19, Robin Williams2/7, Julie Kavner0/3, Ruth Nelson, John Heard0/2, Penelope Ann Miller0/3, Alice Drummond, Judith Malina0/2, Barton Heyman1/3, George Martin2/4, Anne Meara, Richard Libertini, Laura Esterman, Dexter Gordon, Jayne Haynes

194 7.6
Rank: 224     Rating: 7.4
239 7.2

Count of charts: 13

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Sep 12, 1997

Last chart: Dec 30, 1998

Earliest date of highest position: Aug 20, 1998

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 21

Biggest down: -24

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 238 * 7.2 383
1997-09-12 239 * 7.5 707
1997-10-03 235 ↑4 7.5 746
1997-11-07 233 ↑2 7.5 803
1997-12-07 236 ↓3 7.5 863
1998-01-05 239 ↓3 7.5 914
1998-02-01 223 ↑16 7.6 995
1998-03-01 227 ↓4 7.5 1084
1998-04-07 226 ↑1 7.4 1188
1998-05-03 215 ↑11 7.5 1254
1998-08-20 194 ↑21 7.3 1357
1998-10-05 196 ↓2 7.3 1484
1998-12-30 220 ↓24 7.3 1694