IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 7.6 Current Top 250 250

Raging Bull (1980)  

Year: 1980


Duration: 129 min.

US box-office: $23.4m

Directed by: Martin Scorsese7/9

Cast: Robert De Niro9/19, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci4/7, Frank Vincent3/3, Nicholas Colasanto, Theresa Saldana, Mario Gallo, Frank Adonis3/6, Joseph Bono3/4, Frank Topham, Lori Anne Flax, Charles Scorsese4/4, Don Dunphy1/2, Bill Hanrahan, Rita Bennett

29 8.4
Rank: 171 109     Rating: 8.1 8.2
172 7.7

Count of charts: 7123

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Apr 26, 1996

Last chart: Jan 23, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Dec 30, 1998

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 67

Biggest down: -19

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 82 * 7.7 430
1996-11-19 101 ↓19 7.9 650
1996-12-19 102 ↓1 7.9 687
1997-01-22 107 ↓5 8.0 730
1997-04-02 116 ↓9 8.0 783
1997-09-12 49 ↑67 8.2 878
1997-10-03 47 ↑2 8.2 909
1997-11-07 47 - 8.2 970
1997-12-07 47 - 8.2 1027
1998-01-05 49 ↓2 8.2 1078
1998-02-01 48 ↑1 8.2 1137
1998-03-01 46 ↑2 8.1 1238
1998-04-07 43 ↑3 7.9 1300
1998-05-03 40 ↑3 8.2 1405
1998-08-20 32 ↑8 7.8 1489
1998-10-05 31 ↑1 7.8 1647
1998-12-30 29 ↑2 7.9 1940
1999-03-01 30 ↓1 8.0 2263
1999-04-12 30 - 0.0
1999-08-01 32 ↓2 8.2 3050
1999-09-09 42 ↓10 8.1 3816
1999-10-10 40 ↑2 8.1 3996
1999-11-16 43 ↓3 8.2 4387
1999-12-30 47 ↓4 8.2 4778
2000-04-23 41 ↑6 8.1 5899
2000-05-25 45 ↓4 8.1 6082
2000-06-30 47 ↓2 8.2 6416
2000-08-01 45 ↑2 8.2 6690
2000-09-01 41 ↑4 8.2 6955
2000-10-02 43 ↓2 8.2 7181
2000-10-18 42 ↑1 8.2 7281
2000-10-19 43 ↓1 8.2 7295
2000-11-02 45 ↓2 8.2 7376
2000-11-10 45 - 8.2 7426
2000-11-21 42 ↑3 8.2 7505
2000-12-01 43 ↓1 8.2 7586
2000-12-03 43 - 8.2 7598
2000-12-04 43 - 8.2 7604
2000-12-05 43 - 8.2 7608
2000-12-12 42 ↑1 8.2 7649
2001-01-02 42 - 8.2 7822
2001-01-09 44 ↓2 8.2 7889
2001-01-21 42 ↑2 8.2 8022
2001-01-27 42 - 8.2 8068
2001-02-01 42 - 8.2 8121
2001-02-02 42 - 8.2 8128
2001-02-03 42 - 8.2 8138
2001-02-10 42 - 8.2 8196
2001-02-14 42 - 8.2 8228
2001-03-01 42 - 8.2 8389
full table